Early Childhood
Early Childhood Program | ECP | Kindergarten 3, Kindergarten 4, and Kindergarten 5
Intentionally set dynamic environments allow children to practice important skills for their well-being such as collaboration, conflict resolution, and empathy. This gives them space to make and fix mistakes while learning to respect themselves and other community members. Throughout their learning journey, children acquire richer language skills and build friendships through the caring presence of teachers who support them to develop confidence and autonomy.
Beth Overby
Lower School Principal
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The Early Childhood Program establishes foundational skills for our youngest learners through a discovery-based learning approach. Children engage in learning activities using authentic materials in natural settings, as they explore, identify, and take risks. The curriculum and classroom activities are based on creating dynamic environments where children work on key skills that relate to both life and their future academic pursuits: collaboration, conflict-resolution, empathy, and respect. The ECP focuses on the development of language, autonomy, self-confidence and building of friendships.
Brazilian Program
A Escola Americana de Brasília privilegia o estudante como centro do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, atuando como líder resiliente. Seu potencial criativo, intelectual e humano são trabalhados de forma acolhedora, em ambientes saudáveis de aprendizagens que propiciam a busca incessante do saber, estimulando a independência, a autonomia, a motivação e o aprendizado para a vida, proporcionando inúmeras oportunidades acadêmicas e extracurriculares que auxiliam no foco e na busca de seus ideais na carreira futura.
O principal objetivo, ao se formar na EAB, no final da Educação Básica, é oportunizar que o aluno ingresse, com ética, autonomia, preparo, equilíbrio e integridade, na universidade no Brasil ou no exterior e no mercado de trabalho, dispondo de três diplomas: Brasileiro, Americano e Internacional – International Baccalaureate Organization – IB Diploma Programme.
Assim estruturada, a EAB oferece Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio, alinhados com o diploma americano e internacional/IB, com objetivos específicos e amplos de modo favorecer o desenvolvimento integral dos alunos em cada modalidade de ensino.
A comunidade escolar é vista como uma extensão do ambiente de ensino e aprendizagem. As famílias são nossas grandes parceiras neste processo, pois acreditam e validam nosso trabalho. A comunidade interna é colaborativa e incentivadora, e os parceiros externos possibilitam trabalhos de cunho social, intelectual e humano, ampliando a formação holística de nossos alunos como sujeitos pensantes.
Como somos uma escola internacional, de imersão na Língua Inglesa, apenas algumas disciplinas são ministradas em Português, tais como: Língua Portuguesa, História e Geografia do Brasil, Filosofia e Sociologia.
Visando expandir o trabalho pedagógico no processo de leitura e escrita elaboradas, a escola oferece um curso de redação, aos alunos do 6º ao 12º ano, com o objetivo de aperfeiçoar o domínio da escrita e a capacidade argumentativa, exigida nos vestibulares e exames nacionais.
Apesar da escola não ser preparatória para o vestibular, com o foco apenas nos exames nacionais, os alunos da EAB são capazes de ingressar nas universidades brasileiras e estrangeiras no final do Ensino Médio.
Como os três diplomas estão integrados, ao concluir o Ensino Médio, o aluno encontra-se apto a trilhar sua carreira universitária em qualquer lugar do mundo. Nossa meta é prepará-lo para a vida, como cidadão capaz de enfrentar os desafios futuros com segurança e independência.
Oferecemos, também, o aprendizado da Língua Portuguesa aos alunos estrangeiros com o foco na aquisição da língua adicional, aliada à comunicação efetiva e associada à nova cultura na qual estão inseridos. Os alunos têm a oportunidade de ampliar os conhecimentos básicos para a construção da linguagem, desenvolvendo a expressão oral e a escrita, além de se apropriar da cultura brasileira.
Objetiva-se na Educação Infantil:
- oferecer o alinhamento curricular do currículo brasileiro, americano e internacional;
- consolidar a concepção que vincula educar e cuidar, entendendo o cuidado como algo indissociável do processo educativo;
- trabalhar os eixos estruturantes das práticas pedagógicas desta etapa da Educação Básica, tais como: as interações e a brincadeira, experiências nas quais as crianças podem construir e apropriar-se de conhecimentos por meio de suas ações e interações com seus pares e com os adultos, o que possibilita aprendizagens, desenvolvimento e socialização;
- compreender as aprendizagens essenciais como comportamentos, habilidades e conhecimentos e vivências que promovem aprendizagem e desenvolvimento nos diversos campos de experiências, sempre tomando as interações e a brincadeira como eixos estruturantes. Essas aprendizagens, portanto, constituem-se como objetivos de aprendizagem e desenvolvimento.
- proporcionar às crianças condições de desenvolvimento físico, psicológico, ético, sócio-histórico-cultural, perceptivo-motor e afetivo, respeitando interesses e necessidades individuais e complementando a educação familiar;
- favorecer condições adequadas para promover o desenvolvimento integral e bem-estar das crianças, estimulando sua curiosidade no processo de descoberta e no mundo das artes, das ciências, das letras e da comunicação;
- desenvolver o currículo, previsto para cada nível de ensino, de forma significativa e lúdica;
- promover ampliação de experiências e conhecimentos, estimulando o interesse pela preservação da natureza e pela convivência em sociedade.
What to Expect in...
Kindergarten 3 | K3
In K3, EAB uses the Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (ELOF) and the Prekindergarten Early Learning Standards to guide instruction. The Framework is grounded in a comprehensive body of research about what young children should know and be able to do to succeed in school. It describes how children progress across key areas of learning and development and specifies learning outcomes in these areas. K3 students will engage in the following integrated units:
Our Community, Our Environment, & Our Impact. In K3, children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas below.
Approaches to Learning
- Manages emotions with increasing independence.
- Follows classroom rules and routines with increasing independence.
- Manages actions, words, and behavior with increasing independence.
- Maintains focus and sustains attention with minimal adult support
- Persists in tasks
- Holds information in mind and manipulates it to perform tasks
- Demonstrates flexibility in thinking and behavior
- Demonstrates initiative and independence
- Shows interest in and curiosity about the world around them.
- Expresses creativity in thinking and communication
- Uses imagination in play and interactions with others
- Demonstrates awareness that spoken language is composed of smaller segments of sound.
- Demonstrates an understanding of how print is used (functions of print) and the rules that govern how print works (conventions of print).
- Identifies letters of the alphabet and produces correct sounds associated with letters.
- Demonstrates an understanding of narrative structure through storytelling/re-telling.
- Asks and answers questions about a book that was read aloud.
- Writes for a variety of purposes using increasingly sophisticated marks.
Social Emotional
- Engages in and maintains positive relationships and interactions with adults
- Engages in prosocial and cooperative behavior with adults
- Engages in and maintains positive interactions and relationships with other children
- Engages in cooperative play with other children.
- Uses basic problem-solving skills to resolve conflicts with other children
- Expresses a broad range of emotions and recognizes these emotions in self and others
- Expresses care and concern toward others
- Manages emotions with increasing independence
- Recognizes self as a unique individual having own abilities, characteristics, emotions, and interests
- Expresses confidence in own skills and positive feelings about self
- Has sense of belonging to family, community, and other groups
- Identifies number names and the count sequence
- Recognizes the number of objects in a small set
- Understands the relationship between numbers and quantities
- Compares numbers
- Associates a quantity with written numerals up to 5 and begins to write numbers
Scientific Reasoning
- Observes and describes observable phenomena (objects, materials, organisms, and events)
- Engages in scientific talk
- Compares and categorizes observable phenomena
- Attends to communication and language from others
- Understands and responds to increasingly complex communication and language from others
- Varies the amount of information provided to meet the demands of the situation
- Understands, follows, and uses appropriate social and conversational rules
- Expresses self in increasingly long, detailed, and sophisticated ways
- Understands and uses a wide variety of words for a variety of purposes
- Shows understanding of word categories and relationships among words
Perceptual, Motor, and Physical Development
- Demonstrates control, strength, and coordination of large muscles
- Uses perceptual information to guide motions and interactions with objects and other people
- Demonstrates increasing control, strength, and coordination of small muscles
- Exhibit complex fine motor coordination when using tools to complete tasks
- Demonstrates personal hygiene and self-care skills
- Develops knowledge and skills that help promote nutritious food choices and eating habits
- Demonstrates knowledge of personal safety practices and routines
EAB uses the Shape America Standards to guide instruction in PE and the National Core Arts Standards in Art and Music. In Portuguese, EAB follows the Brazilian National Curriculum (BNCC - Base Nacional Comum Curricular)
Campo de Experiências:
- Atuar em grupo e demonstrar interesse em construir novas relações, respeitando a diversidade e demonstrando respeito por si, pelos outros e pelas regras de convívio social.
- Coordenar suas habilidades manuais e expressar-se com o corpo intencionalmente, de diferentes maneiras.
- Demonstrar desenvolvimento progressivo das habilidades manuais, adquirindo controle para desenhar, pintar, rasgar, folhear, entre outros.
- Expressar ideias, desejos e sentimentos em distintas situações de interação, de diferentes maneiras, em sequência lógica temporal e causal, organizando e adequando sua fala ao contexto em que é produzida.
- Relatar experiências e fatos acontecidos, histórias ouvidas, filmes ou peças teatrais assistidos.
- Formular e responder perguntas sobre fatos da história narrada, identificando cenários, personagens e principais acontecimentos.
- Interagir com o meio ambiente e com fenômenos naturais ou artificiais, demonstrando curiosidade e cuidado com relação a eles.
PE - Physical Education
- Demonstrates grade-level competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns
- Applies grade-level knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance
- Demonstrates grade-level knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness
- Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
- Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction
- Engage in creative making.
- Share and talk about personal Artwork.
- Identify places where art may be displayed or saved. Interpret art by identifying and describing subject matter.
- Recognize that people make art.
- With substantial guidance, explore and experience a variety of music.
- With substantial guidance, demonstrate and state preference for varied musical selections.
- With substantial guidance, state personal interests and demonstrate why they prefer some music selections over others.
- Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.
Kindergarten 4 | K4
In K4, EAB uses the Common Core standards to guide instruction. K4 students will engage in the following integrated units: My Community and Me, The Environment and Me, and Change and Growth All Around Me.
In K4, children are expected to demonstrate increasing awareness and competence in the areas below.
Foundational Skills
- Understand organization and basic features of print (e.g., read left to right, top to bottom, page by page)
- Tell the difference between letters and numbers
- Recognize and name some upper/lowercase letters of the alphabet, especially those in own name
- With support, isolate and name the initial sounds in words (e.g. big starts with /b/)
- Play with language
- rhyming (e.g., ray, say, play)
- alliteration (e.g., words that start with the same sound – pig, pie)
- Recognize own name and common signs and labels in the environment
With prompting and support:
- ask and answer questions about details in a text
- retell familiar stories
- describe the role of an author and illustrator
- make connections between self, text and the world around them
Social Studies
- Identify family members, family characteristics and functions
- Describe some of the holidays, dances, foods, costumes and special events, related to her/his own culture
- Demonstrate an understanding of roles, rights, and responsibilities
- Demonstrate interest and awareness about a variety of careers, work environments and community help
- Print some upper-and lower-case letters (e.g., letters in their name)
With prompting and support
- use a combination of drawing, dictating, or writing to
- Narrate a single event and provide a reaction to what happened
- share some information about a topic
- express an opinion about a book/topic;
- recall information from experiences or gather information from teacher-provided sources to answer a question
- join in classroom research and writing projects (e.g., explore a number of books by a favorite author and express opinions about them)
- Demonstrate that they are motivated to communicate
- Demonstrate a growing receptive and expressive vocabulary
- With guidance and support
- talk about PK topics and texts with peers and adults
- Describe familiar people, places, things and events
- Begin to express thoughts, feelings and ideas
- Use senses to gather, explore, and interpret information
- Identify and classify observations of objects and events
- Ask “why,” “how,” and “what if” questions
- Use a variety of tools and materials to test predictions
- Identify cause and effect relationships
- Observe and discuss changes using common related vocabulary
- Identify things as living and nonliving
Counting and Cardinality
- Know number names and the count sequence
- Count to 20
- Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 0-5.
- Count to tell the number of objects to 10
- Compare numbers, up to 5; Identify more, less, greater than, fewer, and/or equal
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Understand addition as putting together and adding to and subtraction as taking apart and taking from
- Copy and extend simple patterns
Measurement and Data
- Identify measurable attributes of objects such as length and width
- Sort objects into categories and count the number of objects in each category;
- Identify and describe shapes (e.g., squares, circles, triangles, rectangles)
- Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes
Social & Emotional
- Recognize themselves as a unique individual
- Interact with and develop positive relationships with their peers and significant adults (teachers)
- Show self-confidence by trying new tasks without prompting or reinforcement
- Appropriately express feelings, needs, opinions, desires
- Actively engage in group activities with purpose and understanding
- Demonstrate persistence and exhibit curiosity and willingness in learning new things
- Share materials and toys with other children
- Understand and follow routines and rules; take turns
EAB uses the Shape America Standards to guide instruction in PE and the National Core Arts Standards in Art and Music. In Portuguese, EAB follows the Brazilian National Curriculum (BNCC - Base Nacional Comum Curricular)
Campo de Experiências:
- Atuar em grupo e demonstrar interesse em construir novas relações, respeitando a diversidade e demonstrando respeito por si, pelos outros e pelas regras de convívio social.
- Ampliar as relações interpessoais, desenvolvendo atitudes de participação e cooperação.
- Coordenar suas habilidades manuais e expressar-se com o corpo intencionalmente, de diferentes maneiras.
- Expressar ideias, desejos e sentimentos em distintas situações de interação, de diferentes maneiras, em sequência lógica temporal e causal, organizando e adequando sua fala ao contexto em que é produzida.
- Expressar ideias, desejos e sentimentos sobre suas vivências, por meio da linguagem oral e escrita (escrita espontânea), de fotos, desenhos e outras formas de expressão.
- Recontar histórias ouvidas para produção de reconto escrito.
- Levantar hipóteses em relação à linguagem escrita, realizando registros de palavras e textos, por meio de escrita espontânea.
PE - Physical Education
- Demonstrates grade-level competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns
- Applies grade-level knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance
- Demonstrates grade-level knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness
- Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
- Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction
- Engage in creative making.
- Share and talk about personal Artwork.
- Identify places where art may be displayed or saved. Interpret art by identifying and describing subject matter.
- Recognize that people make art.
- With substantial guidance, explore and experience a variety of music.
- With substantial guidance, demonstrate and state preference for varied musical selections.
- With substantial guidance, state personal interests and demonstrate why they prefer some music selections over others.
- Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.
Kindergarten 5 | K5
In K5, EAB uses the Common Core standards to guide instruction in reading, writing, and math. The Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) are used in science and American Education Reaches Out (AERO) standards are used to guide social studies instruction. K5 students will engage in the following inquiry units that integrate both science and social studies: Who Am I?, Investigation, Patterns, and Living Things/Needs and Wants.
Listed below are examples of EAB’s academic expectations for K5 students by the end of the school year.
Foundational Skills
- Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters
- Produce the most common sounds for each consonant (e.g., /k/ for c)
- Recognize and produce rhyming words
- Count, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words
- Blend and segment individual sounds in spoken, one-syllable words (e.g., tap = /t/ /a/ /p/)
- Read high-frequency words by sight
- With support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text
- With support, identify main idea and supporting details in K texts
- Name the author and illustrator and explain what they do and identify parts of a book
- With support, retell stories and identify characters, settings, and events
- With support, compare and contrast the adventures and experiences of character in a story
- Will support, identify similarities and differences between texts on the same topic
Social Studies
- Identify connections between who they are as a person and their place inthe world.
- Distinguish between needs and wants and explain why people make choices about how to satisfy them
- Use drawing, dictating, and writing to:
- narrate an event or events in a sequence
- compose informative texts that names a topic and gives some information
- state an opinion about a familiar topic;
- Write upper- and lower-case letters
- Write a letter(s) to represent most consonant & short-vowel sounds
- Sound out spellings for simple words
- Follow agreed-upon rules of conversation (e.g., take turns speaking)
- Express thoughts, feelings, and ideas clearly
- Produce and expand complete sentences in shared language activities
- Plan and conduct an investigation to compare the effects of different motions/movements
- Analyze data to determine if a design solution works
- Observe and describe patterns in the world and our connection to patterns
- Identify the needs of living things
- Develop solutions to reduce impact on the environment
Grade Level Fluency
- Add and subtract within 5
Counting and Cardinality
- Know number names and the count sequence
- Count to tell the number of objects to 20
- Count to 100 by 1s and 10s
- Compare numbers
Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Understand addition as putting together and adding to
- Understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from
Number and Operations in Base Ten
- Work with the numbers 11-19 to gain foundations for place value
Measurement and Data
- Describe and compare measurable attributes
- Classify objects and count the number of objects in each category
- Identify and describe 2D and 3D shapes (e.g., circles, spheres, triangles, squares)
- Analyze, compare, create, and compose shapes
EAB uses the Shape America Standards to guide instruction in PE and the National Core Arts Standards in Art and Music. In Portuguese, EAB follows the Brazilian National Curriculum (BNCC - Base Nacional Comum Curricular)
Campo de Experiências:
- Levantar hipóteses em relação à linguagem escrita, realizando registros de palavras e textos, por meio de escrita espontânea.
- Coordenar suas habilidades manuais e expressar-se de diferentes maneiras.
- Distinguir as letras do alfabeto de outros sinais gráficos.
- Relacionar elementos sonoros (sílabas, fonemas, partes de palavras) com sua representação escrita.
- Argumentar e relatar fatos oralmente, em sequência lógica temporal e causal, organizando e adequando sua fala ao contexto em que é produzida.
- Produzir suas próprias histórias orais e escritas (escrita espontânea), em situações com função social significativa.
- Segmentar oralmente palavras em sílabas.
- Planejar leituras sistemáticas por meio do projeto de leitura.
PLL - Portuguese Language Learners
Listening Comprehension
Listen and demonstrate understanding of short sentences according to a given context.Demonstrate understanding about different vocabulary in the context.
Orally present short sentences (statements, questions)
Repeat words, simple phrases or expressions from familiar stories as a whole class or individually.
Construct simple statements or questions with scaffold.
Reading comprehension
ssociate sound-letter. Link the appropriate sound with the letters that are used to represent those sounds.
Label pictures from word banks. Write scaffolded words and sentences.
PE - Physical Education
- Demonstrates grade-level competency in a variety of motor skills and movement patterns
- Applies grade-level knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance
- Demonstrates grade-level knowledge and skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and fitness
- Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
- Recognizes the value of physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression and/or social interaction
- Through experimentation, build skills in various media and approaches to artmaking
- Select art objects for display, explaining why they were chosen.
- Interpret art by identifying subject matter and describing relevant details.
- Create art that tells a story about a life experience.
- With guidance, explore and experience music concepts (such as beat and melodic contour).
- With guidance, demonstrate and state personal interest in varied musical selections.
- With guidance, list personal interests and experiences and demonstrate why they prefer some music selections over others.
- Demonstrate how interests, knowledge, and skills relate to personal choices and intent when creating, performing, and responding to music.
A Day in the Life of an ECP Student
Miriam Rodriguez
Lower School
Assistant Principal
If you are not presently part of our community, we gladly hope you will consider joining the EAB Family! Please take some time to read our Student Handbook for more detailed information.