Schoolwide News
Introducing Our FSP/PTO Executive Board for the 2022-2023 school year
The FSP/PTO is pleased to introduce our executive officers for the next school year. We thank everyone who stepped forward and volunteered for each role. As there were no competing candidates, all officers were elected by acclamation.
Co-Presidents - Xaviera Gutierrez & Suzana Nasser Nasr
Vice-President - Erico Bomfim de Carvalho
Treasurer - Andrea Cavalieros
Secretary - Peter Moore
Parent Advisory Council (PAC) Liaisons:
Upper School Liaison: Silvia Leite Faria
Lower School Liaison: Carolina Santos
Early Childhood Liaison: Gladys Otou
Congratulations to everyone!
We also want to introduce our Committee Chairs:
Events Committee Chairs: Aline Sabatovicz, Daniela Teixeira and Lidia Okano
Parent Ambassador Group Chair: Michèlle Pereira,
Communications Committee Chair: Paula Athayde
We also want to thank all of the parents who have served the FSP/PTO and our school community this year as Executive Committee Officers, Committee Chairs and members, grade and room parents, WhatsApp group moderators, and volunteers at our events. We want to appreciate the enormous cooperation, encouragement and support of EAB’s Head of School, staff and teachers for all of our activities this year and look forward for the upcoming school year 2022-2023.
We appreciate everyone’s partnership and look forward to building our community in the next school year!