Facilities Committee
The responsibilities of the Facilities Committee encompass policy-making and strategic planning related to the school's physical assets. This includes overseeing the construction, maintenance, and security of the school's facilities, as well as ensuring the safety of faculty, staff, and students. The committee also plays a vital role in developing a comprehensive long-term master plan for the efficient utilization and preservation of physical assets and resources.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee collaborates with the administration to develop the annual operating and capital budgets, as well as a long-range financial plan. This committee is responsible for closely monitoring all financial activities in greater detail compared to the board as a whole. Additionally, the Finance Committee plays a key role in establishing financial policies and presents relevant matters, along with regular financial reports, to the board for approval and informational purposes. Furthermore, the Finance Committee provides oversight for the investment advisory committee.
Audit Committee
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to assist the Board of Directors in fulfilling its oversight responsibilities for the financial reporting process, the system of internal control, risk assessment and mitigation strategies, internal and external audit functions and compliance matters. Its responsibilities include reviewing and recommending approval of EAB’s annual audited financial statements to the Board. In addition, it is responsible every three years for evaluating and recommending an external auditor to the Board.
Governance Committee
The Governance Committee is responsible for the institutional stability of the Board. The Governance Committee manages the process for recruitment and selection of new Board candidates seeking to ensure that, to the extent practical, prospective candidates reflect the diversity of the EAB community. The committee coordinates and supports orientation to incoming Board members. It identifies and disseminates opportunities for professional development opportunities for Board members. This includes coordinating with the Head of School and Board President on internal and external retreats. The committee reviews and updates the Board Policy Manual and governance-related documents (i.e., policies). In addition, the committee coordinates on the evaluations of the Board of Directors.